TickIt Easy Hold Discovery Set


The Tickit Easy Hold Discovery is a set of 6 rubberwood frames that will allow children to see the world through a different lens, adding new colours, dimensions and perspective on everything they see through them.



The Tickit Easy Hold Discovery is a set of 6 rubberwood frames that will allow children to see the world through a different lens, adding new colours, dimensions and perspective on everything they see through them.

The solid rubberwood frames contain lenses to change the colour of everything they see, a giant magnifier and mirrors will give accurate and distorted reflections of the world around them, and this is just the beginning of the adventure.

The TickIt Easy Hold Discovery Set includes:
• 3 transparent acrylic frames (red, blue and yellow),
• 1 magnifying lens (with 3 x magnification),
• 1 double-sided concave/convex mirror
• 1 plain mirror.

The Tickit Easy Hold Discovery Set supports 4 areas of learning to help with observation, self-awareness, colour and motor skills, making it an essential tool for any early years setting.

The kit can be stacked for colour mixing and for use on a lightbox and is a powerful asset to teach young learners new and different perspectives, skills and even to let them know about themselves and the world around them.

• Anatomically designed frame to fit perfectly on a toddler’s hands.
• Frames made in solid rubberwood with acrylic lenses and mirror inserts.
• Supports 4 areas of learning: Understanding the World, Personal Development, Understanding the World and Physical Development.
• Frame size: 185(L) x 120mm(W) – Mirror size: 80mm(Dia)
• Suitable for age 12 months and above.
• Pack of 6 assorted frames. 12 months +


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